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Boost server
Rank Name Score Time
1 Warrior 197238 1161:32:56
2 Player 158557 3588:00:24
3 Ipipko 135731 700:31:46
4 davaj 119082 787:06:25
5 Sm!Ley:P 116999 683:37:14
6 [THP] BloodMoon 113989 529:00:04
7 BloodMoon 103515 494:02:32
8 |Hunt3r|Sk 97573 838:02:12
9 Stikyyy 92494 440:01:27
10 K10 87098 551:32:08
11 eNk0s^ 85300 916:48:19
12 Nikola Tesla 78693 53162:12:38
13 Issac Newton 78669 52954:09:18
14 LeGiT 77692 460:27:00
15 Dominaa 77588 753:49:53
16 Anders Angstrom 77567 53028:56:03
17 Leonardo DaVinci 77542 52954:23:52
18 Robert Oppenheimer 77204 52982:28:49
19 Ernst Mach 77177 53096:22:50
20 Benjamin Franklin 77175 53045:01:14

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