Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server | Zombie #1 [EXTRAVIP ZADARMO]

Last refresh 0 ago

  • Slovakia |
  • Counter Strike 1.6

FreeBoost is available only to KGB Hosting clients.

You can activate FreeBoost in game panel, and its not possible to boost any servers outside of your panel.

To get access to FreeBoost, buy Premium server with 20+ slots, or Lite server with 30+ slots.

Claim ownership instructions:

1. Change your server's name to GameTracker (ex: type in console amx_cvar hostname "GameTracker")

2. Check if your server is online and showing new name "GameTracker"

3. Click on a button below

ID Name Score Time
1 [HLTV] 0 17:53:47
2 surfy 0 00:02:13
3 JankoPanko 104 00:06:43
4 Bot Robert Oppenheimer 1 17:53:51
5 Bot Johannes Kepler 1 17:53:51
6 Bot Galileo Galilei 1 17:53:51
7 Bot Benjamin Franklin 0 17:53:51
8 Bot Rene Descartes 2 17:53:51
9 Bot Christian Doppler 1 17:53:51
10 Bot Michael Faraday 0 17:53:51
11 Bot Max Planck 3 17:53:51
12 Bot James Joule 0 17:53:51
ID Name Score Time
1 Warrior 197238 1161:32:56
2 Ipipko 188115 857:20:01
3 Player 165681 3688:11:53
4 davaj 138515 913:25:51
5 |Hunt3r|Sk 131042 1031:46:53
6 Sm!Ley:P 117292 684:47:31
7 [THP] BloodMoon 113989 529:00:04
8 BloodMoon 106593 515:18:27
9 Stikyyy 95642 452:13:39
10 Nikola Tesla 90791 59206:17:34
11 Issac Newton 90489 59042:22:46
12 Leonardo DaVinci 89965 58991:36:18
13 eNk0s^ 89531 977:53:41
14 Robert Oppenheimer 89370 59062:40:03
15 Anders Angstrom 89366 59080:36:08

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