Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server
Rank Name Score Time
1 Hxtryy 5169 181:41:06
2 talent970 2184 44:02:12
3 itz_lokmanex 1968 70:55:22
4 Gizmo 1569 32:22:29
5 [T1C@s1mple 1341 36:04:02
6 De8uG 1277 20:53:12
7 [DZ]SHINOBY 1236 18:02:45
8 SokanS 1103 86:21:16
9 jusstFoxs 1030 23:48:30
10 Fullserver 1018 26:32:18
11 [ AMD ] | Amdmost.^ | 997 22:05:59
12 kouider 903 18:24:13
13 Unikov 874 27:17:18
14 GHAST 795 16:12:36
15 Lacrim 787 27:05:51
16 Xyero 726 28:42:51
17 K-Miel 633 08:18:24
18 FuRy_YT 587 12:41:08
19 Ds ReVoX 544 12:55:54
20 Redaxxn 534 11:20:02

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