Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server
Rank Name Score Time
1 uGamers Assault HLTV 0 57439:43:11
2 Heather_Locklear 2587 12924:56:16
3 Ivan 1494 3771:00:14
4 Lord Dimebag 118879 3544:53:37
5 Jack_Nicholson 2333 3463:30:18
6 Quentin_Tarantino 1887 3454:55:37
7 Stacy_Keech 1722 3425:57:47
8 Burt_Reynolds 1676 3425:13:46
9 Eliza 1723 3409:09:53
10 Sharon_Stone 1548 3394:39:27
11 Psyke 1854 3379:24:36
12 Charlie_Sheen 1676 3349:21:17
13 Kim_Basinger 1285 3339:52:58
14 Dredd 1254 3322:03:55
15 Count Floyd 1692 3317:57:06
16 Keanau_Reeves 1807 3309:20:19
17 S.E.S. 1252 3305:10:46
18 Andrew_Dice_Clay 1746 3305:02:26
19 Pissed Off 1240 3303:35:30
20 Tom_Cruise 1770 3302:35:10

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