Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server


Last refresh 0 ago

  • Romania |
  • Counter Strike 1.6

FreeBoost is available only to KGB Hosting clients.

You can activate FreeBoost in game panel, and its not possible to boost any servers outside of your panel.

To get access to FreeBoost, buy Premium server with 20+ slots, or Lite server with 30+ slots.

Claim ownership instructions:

1. Change your server's name to GameTracker (ex: type in console amx_cvar hostname "GameTracker")

2. Check if your server is online and showing new name "GameTracker"

3. Click on a button below

  • General info
    Game: Counter Strike 1.6
    Mod : Public
    Name: PLAY.PISTOLARII.RO # 18+
    Online : Yes
    IP address:
    Added by: badiudv
    Owned by: Pistolariii DANIEL Constantin Pistolariii
  • Additional info
    Boost status not available, read explanation on home page.
  • Players info
    Players: 30/32
    Average number of players (last 12h): 16.29
    Average number of players (last 24h): 17.44
  • Server rank
    World rank: 73
    The best rank: 69
    The worst rank: 73
  • Map
    [Upload new map image]
    de_dust2 de_dust2
    Last map: de_dust2
ID Name Score Time
1 Merry 0 00:00:32
2 你他媽誇張 7 00:17:22
3 2LeiGrei 24 00:29:24
4 AmOrOzOo 13 00:15:06
5 sobo 7 00:10:28
6 E39 27 00:17:13
7 lmao u will never find a ign 11 00:06:01
8 zaurguss15 9 00:15:59
9 Andrei 6 00:04:30
10 callmegod 31 00:26:01
11 KnAuF# 15 00:09:56
12 PANDA 3 00:03:55
13 ForzaKartaL 0 00:00:12
14 Vyo 24 00:15:52
15 GROVER 17 00:19:44
16 Blandiana 51 01:03:45
17 Unn@m3D 6 00:05:28
18 Kolobek 1 00:01:42
19 Missed Calls 7 00:08:15
20 ryp. 31 00:00:02
21 trag la misto 43 00:31:54
22 m.:schaubi 0 00:00:19
23 TAnK 17 00:08:10
24 aLexeStefan 3 00:07:03
25 Wenright 2 00:06:56
26 Andelo535d 0 00:03:50
27 RXDU_;) 3 00:05:52
28 spionu007 2 00:01:37
29 DoC_LMZ 0 00:03:26
30 Umut 0 00:00:54
ID Name Score Time
1 CraZy- profile 64131 989:20:15
2 ~^DarkOne^~ 53442 635:09:29
3 h' eRoiNNa. 52144 696:08:54
4 ERIC 51342 2094:02:27
5 Petrica 49805 482:46:32
6 Jampalica 47707 654:23:55
7 -ds- 42231 471:29:44
8 Serban 40542 670:00:33
9 AnnOnYm 40460 713:57:38
10 AleCSa 40248 766:25:08
11 D#E#A#D 39849 548:31:06
12 JKR^X-Men 37909 2217:39:40
13 Fant0ma 37524 383:33:41
14 db; 34538 339:42:11
15 Mavi 34078 624:43:15

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