Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server

Z -=ZLOY-#2-BASIC-(de_dust2)-[ZLOYGAMES.COM]=-

Last refresh 0 ago

  • Australia |
  • Counter Strike Source

FreeBoost is available only to KGB Hosting clients.

You can activate FreeBoost in game panel, and its not possible to boost any servers outside of your panel.

To get access to FreeBoost, buy Premium server with 20+ slots, or Lite server with 30+ slots.

Claim ownership instructions:

1. Change your server's name to GameTracker (ex: type in console amx_cvar hostname "GameTracker")

2. Check if your server is online and showing new name "GameTracker"

3. Click on a button below

  • General info
    Game: Counter Strike Source
    Mod : Public
    Name: Z -=ZLOY-#2-BASIC-(de_dust2)-[ZLOYGAMES.COM]=-
    Online : Yes
    IP address:
    Added by: bigbrain911
    Owned by: Nema vlasnika
  • Additional info
    Boost status not available, read explanation on home page.
  • Players info
    Players: 31/64
    Average number of players (last 12h): 34.75
    Average number of players (last 24h): 33.15
  • Server rank
    World rank: 7
    The best rank: 7
    The worst rank: 8
  • Map
    [Upload new map image]
    de_dust2 de_dust2
    Last map: de_dust2
ID Name Score Time
1 SaLaDiN 176 03:02:44
2 HBAAL 87 03:02:39
3 Wlad 246 02:58:44
4 Ka4oK 1 00:05:25
5 [18ms_ru] Joker 39 37:21:59
6 ***Alpha*** Mr.Troll 40 37:21:59
7 Yamaha 51 37:21:59
8 Jackass (Ternopil') 39 37:21:59
9 izi 4ota 36 37:21:59
10 ((((Killer)))) 23 37:21:59
11 Counter}O{Squat 30 37:21:59
12 JIe0n0JIbg 28 37:21:59
13 EforiA 41 37:21:59
14 Delete 23 37:21:59
15 GOLD 22 37:21:59
16 Dnepr9nun 15 37:21:59
17 ApSirukeS<ThC> 15 37:21:59
18 D E A D 27 37:21:59
19 klinghoffer1985 21 37:21:59
20 NanoElectronic 18 37:21:59
21 .:AGOGE:. N@G! 17 37:21:59
22 Biffle_Moua 15 37:21:59
23 Ley Abou Chaker 3 37:21:59
24 out of the dark 6 37:21:59
25 ZLOYGAMES.COM(2) 0 37:19:33
26 ZLOYGAMES.COM(4) 0 37:19:25
27 ZLOYGAMES.COM(3) 0 37:19:23
28 ZLOYGAMES.COM(5) 0 37:19:23
29 ZLOYGAMES.COM(6) 0 37:19:18
30 ZLOYGAMES.COM(7) 0 37:19:14
31 ZLOYGAMES.COM(1) 0 16:59:16
ID Name Score Time
1 ZLOYGAMES.COM 432358 2013305:32:31
2 -RusskiBrat- 246830 45913:09:42
3 out of the dark 242338 63231:01:21
4 Borod@ch (!) 194334 46077:37:26
5 Nysson 192246 46417:44:54
6 C.r.a.z.y bot 191015 48996:48:13
7 Dnepr9nun 187867 45808:12:51
8 klinghoffer1985 186774 46625:18:18
9 ***Alpha*** Mr.Troll 186666 52319:17:31
10 GOLD 186400 46621:48:04
11 Jackass (Ternopil') 186201 46904:22:28
12 matumba(kalyga) 186183 46102:23:53
13 Delete 186115 45703:27:02
14 <<pirogok>> 186102 46809:19:14
15 Ley Abou Chaker 185919 45818:20:15

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