Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server


Last refresh 0 ago

  • Bulgaria |
  • Counter Strike 1.6

FreeBoost is available only to KGB Hosting clients.

You can activate FreeBoost in game panel, and its not possible to boost any servers outside of your panel.

To get access to FreeBoost, buy Premium server with 20+ slots, or Lite server with 30+ slots.

Claim ownership instructions:

1. Change your server's name to GameTracker (ex: type in console amx_cvar hostname "GameTracker")

2. Check if your server is online and showing new name "GameTracker"

3. Click on a button below

ID Name Score Time
1 miss kapriss 0 00:57:42
2 ~ chatLaxx ^ hll 2 00:28:15
3 Vurbancho 0 00:52:54
4 Krisko 0 01:23:14
5 - ^^ Lo{C}Oo t'K <3 - ^^ :) 0 00:20:48
6 MireLLa ;p 3 01:26:11
7 Ivan komshiqta 2 00:30:08
8 Sadnah li te? 2 01:11:19
9 OCB _ ClaNN 0 02:02:19
10 _MaLkaTa_ 1 02:14:21
11 [ADaLeT~TeaM] aim controller 0 01:51:40
12 v120ka AIM CFG 2 00:43:06
13 [ADaLeT~TeaM] recoil 0.1 3 01:30:10
14 timailesi@ | TheRockMare 4 02:44:48
15 timailesi@ | kingsleyCOMANNN&#96; 4 01:55:55
16 _Ioana_{} 3 00:42:33
17 Elit | Game.Over [Reserecture] 0 01:13:14
18 Yo0.3w !! 0 01:25:40
19 Killer-7 1 00:52:25
20 xxx!ere|zasaDYL loxu&#96; 0 01:54:59
ID Name Score Time
1 Krisko 6318 306:40:28
2 v120ka AIM CFG 6278 524:02:28
3 Elit | Game.Over [Reserecture] 6238 546:37:26
4 BG|OwneR 6220 295:17:16
5 ||^SeViLLaFC^|| 6215 296:55:45
6 WV|pechka 6169 523:58:29
7 &#96; CrowLy. 6148 526:10:38
8 Sadnah li te? 6063 525:59:54
9 Pipi ;* 6063 289:54:24
10 [LoVe69] ^ I&#96;am__/A/ LeGeNd 6059 270:08:22
11 Vurbancho 6023 272:40:10
12 mimi ;p 6019 276:03:28
13 Komshiqta ot sreshta? 6019 521:14:26
14 Killer-7 6013 284:12:56
15 _MaLkaTa_ 5988 292:57:28

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