Do you want to increase the number of players on your CS 1.6 server ?
Boost server


Last refresh 0 ago

  • Romania |
  • Counter Strike 1.6

FreeBoost is available only to KGB Hosting clients.

You can activate FreeBoost in game panel, and its not possible to boost any servers outside of your panel.

To get access to FreeBoost, buy Premium server with 20+ slots, or Lite server with 30+ slots.

Claim ownership instructions:

1. Change your server's name to GameTracker (ex: type in console amx_cvar hostname "GameTracker")

2. Check if your server is online and showing new name "GameTracker"

3. Click on a button below

ID Name Score Time
1 SERVER(.)CSOMOD(.)C0M [1904] 6 00:10:13
2 Fullserver 49 00:09:33
3 <Warrior> Player 3 00:02:10
4 Emi 90 00:07:28
5 Diego Cabrera 22 15 00:08:53
ID Name Score Time
1 Dr.horror 62571 172:03:00
2 NorthBlade 35524 87:50:43
3 AIMER 33514 65:51:28
4 XavierG 33280 82:29:09
5 bomzasss 32140 71:16:11
6 Soolking 26075 73:23:23
7 GSClient | GameSpy 25731 180:26:58
8 DeeJayX® 25159 84:08:06
9 crackhead 23333 323:19:58
10 hej 21707 42:43:17
11 KingVon 20610 62:42:33
12 Rubio 19845 51:06:04
13 fnaticRC trace 19715 70:43:13
14 roJloBa 19515 50:32:28
15 Tik Tok : ameerthesad 18518 34:40:21

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